Feasibility Study Regarding the Reorganisation and Modernisation of the Emergency Care and Rescue Service, Hungary
The basis of the Master Plan was a comprehensive analysis of the infrastructure and topographic situation of the country. Furthermore, the general framework of the health policy and 187 regional and communal hospitals were analysed. In the study 78 country wide coordination and competence centres were determined, including the standard accommodation schedule and the framework of the coordination, as well as the human resources needs were defined. An important part of the Study is the quality, structural, continuity, and result management. Regarding the technical equipment the number of different transportation vehicles was calculated.

Investment: 10,0 mn EUR
Consultancy Fee: 0,03 mn EUR
Capacity: Not applicable
Gross Floor Area: Not applicable
Our achievements
- Base estimates
- Preliminary design and cost estimation
- Know-How-Transfer
This project was realised by me as employee of the top consult köln GmbH.