University Hospital Centre “Mother Tereza” Master Plan, Tirana/Albania
Due to the new definition of medical priorities the update of the former Master Plan of the Tirana University Hospital Centre was urgently required. The actualisation comprises the as-is-analysis of 10 specialised hospitals. Important cornerstones of the Master Plan are the centralisation of departments without inpatient beds; strengthen of the administration, optimisation of the energy supply, standardisation of the patient admittance through introduction of an electronic system and the implementation of a patient transportation system within the hospital area. A needs assessment was done considering the catchment area and the medical role of the hospital as single provider of medical services on tertiary level. Based on the needs assessment the structure of human resources, furnishing with medical equipment, number of beds, special departments, incoming and running costs, the possibility of extension and reconstruction were identified and set. In the frame of the strategic development a time schedule was created regarding the implementation of the concept with definition of the phases and investments.
Investment: 141,2 mn EUR
Consultancy Fee: 0,06 mn EUR
Capacity: 1,139 Beds
Gross Floor Area: 121,700.00 sqm
Our achievements
- Base estimates
- Preliminary design and cost estimation
- Design documentation and cost accounting
- Know-How-Transfer
This project was realised by me as employee of the top consult köln GmbH